Go Brent Team agents closed 116 transactions for buyers and sellers in 2016.

What does this mean for you? We’re experts in the marketplace. As a top-ranked team in the DC Metro area, we are highly experienced contract negotiators and we ensure our clients get to settlement smoothly. It also means we have the support and organization in place to provide our clients with superior service.

This year, we assisted 71 clients to sell their properties! Our sellers know we invest substantial time and effort to skillfully market their homes and neighborhoods through the internet, social media, paid advertising, and print materials.

We also helped 45 clients find a new place to call home in 2016. Our buyers know they can count on us to guide them as they search for the right home in their desired price range and neighborhoods.

Below is a sample of our 2016 home sales

If you have thoughts of buying or selling (or both!), let us help you prepare for what’s ahead.

We are looking forward to 2017 — Happy New Year!

Liz Brent
Tammy Thomas
Cari Jordan
Debbie Gerald
Patrick Thomas
Linda Magolda
Susanna Drayne
Beth Stanton
Marty Milam
